Source code for astrodata.fits

import gc
import logging
import os
import traceback
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import product as cart_product, zip_longest

import asdf
import astropy
import jsonschema
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from import (DELAYED, BinTableHDU, Column, HDUList,
                             ImageHDU, PrimaryHDU, TableHDU)
from astropy.nddata import NDData
# NDDataRef is still not in the stable astropy, but this should be the one
# we use in the future...
# from astropy.nddata import NDData, NDDataRef as NDDataObject
from astropy.table import Table
from gwcs.wcs import WCS as gWCS

from .nddata import ADVarianceUncertainty, NDAstroData as NDDataObject
from .wcs import fitswcs_to_gwcs, gwcs_to_fits

NO_DEFAULT = object()
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class FitsHeaderCollection: """Group access to a list of FITS Header-like objects. It exposes a number of methods (``set``, ``get``, etc.) that operate over all the headers at the same time. It can also be iterated. Parameters ---------- headers : list of `` List of Header objects. """ def __init__(self, headers): self._headers = list(headers) def _insert(self, idx, header): self._headers.insert(idx, header) def __iter__(self): yield from self._headers def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, tuple): self.set(key, value=value[0], comment=value[1]) else: self.set(key, value=value)
[docs] def set(self, key, value=None, comment=None): for header in self._headers: header.set(key, value=value, comment=comment)
def __getitem__(self, key): missing_at = [] ret = [] for n, header in enumerate(self._headers): try: ret.append(header[key]) except KeyError: missing_at.append(n) ret.append(None) if missing_at: error = KeyError("The keyword couldn't be found at headers: {}" .format(tuple(missing_at))) error.missing_at = missing_at error.values = ret raise error return ret
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self[key] except KeyError as err: vals = err.values for n in err.missing_at: vals[n] = default return vals
def __delitem__(self, key): self.remove(key)
[docs] def remove(self, key): deleted = 0 for header in self._headers: try: del header[key] deleted = deleted + 1 except KeyError: pass if not deleted: raise KeyError(f"'{key}' is not on any of the extensions")
[docs] def get_comment(self, key): return [header.comments[key] for header in self._headers]
[docs] def set_comment(self, key, comment): def _inner_set_comment(header): if key not in header: raise KeyError(f"Keyword {key!r} not available") header.set(key, comment=comment) for n, header in enumerate(self._headers): try: _inner_set_comment(header) except KeyError as err: raise KeyError(err.args[0] + f" at header {n}")
def __contains__(self, key): return any(tuple(key in h for h in self._headers))
[docs] def new_imagehdu(data, header, name=None): # Assigning data in a delayed way, won't reset BZERO/BSCALE in the header, # for some reason. Need to investigated. Maybe bug. Figure # out WHY were we delaying in the first place. # i = ImageHDU(data=DELAYED, header=header.copy(), name=name) # = data return ImageHDU(data=data, header=header.copy(), name=name)
[docs] def table_to_bintablehdu(table, extname=None): """ Convert an astropy Table object to a BinTableHDU before writing to disk. Parameters ---------- table: astropy.table.Table instance the table to be converted to a BinTableHDU extname: str name to go in the EXTNAME field of the FITS header Returns ------- BinTableHDU """ # remove header to avoid warning from table_to_hdu table_header = table.meta.pop('header', None) # table_to_hdu sets units only if the unit conforms to the FITS standard, # otherwise it issues a warning, which we catch here. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(table) # And now we try to set the units that do not conform to the standard, # using unit.to_string() without the format='fits' argument. for col in table.itercols(): if col.unit and not hdu.columns[].unit: hdu.columns[].unit = col.unit.to_string() if table_header is not None: # Update with cards from table.meta, but skip structural FITS # keywords since those have been set by table_to_hdu exclude = ('SIMPLE', 'XTENSION', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'EXTEND', 'PCOUNT', 'GCOUNT', 'TFIELDS', 'TFORM', 'TSCAL', 'TZERO', 'TNULL', 'TTYPE', 'TUNIT', 'TDISP', 'TDIM', 'THEAP', 'TBCOL') hdr = fits.Header([card for card in if not card.keyword.startswith(exclude)]) update_header(hdu.header, hdr) # reset table's header table.meta['header'] = table_header if extname: hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = (extname, 'added by AstroData') return hdu
[docs] def header_for_table(table): table_header = table.meta.pop('header', None) fits_header = fits.table_to_hdu(table).header if table_header: table.meta['header'] = table_header # restore original meta fits_header = update_header(table_header, fits_header) return fits_header
[docs] def add_header_to_table(table): header = header_for_table(table) table.meta['header'] = header return header
def _process_table(table, name=None, header=None): if isinstance(table, (BinTableHDU, TableHDU)): obj = Table(, meta={'header': header or table.header}) for i, col in enumerate(obj.columns, start=1): try: obj[col].unit = u.Unit(obj.meta['header'][f'TUNIT{i}']) except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): pass elif isinstance(table, Table): obj = Table(table) if header is not None: obj.meta['header'] = deepcopy(header) elif 'header' not in obj.meta: obj.meta['header'] = header_for_table(obj) else: raise ValueError(f"{table.__class__} is not a recognized table type") if name is not None: obj.meta['header']['EXTNAME'] = name return obj
[docs] def card_filter(cards, include=None, exclude=None): for card in cards: if include is not None and card[0] not in include: continue elif exclude is not None and card[0] in exclude: continue yield card
[docs] def update_header(headera, headerb): cardsa = tuple(tuple(cr) for cr in cardsb = tuple(tuple(cr) for cr in if cardsa == cardsb: return headera # Ok, headerb differs somehow. Let's try to bring the changes to headera # Updated keywords that should be unique difference = set(cardsb) - set(cardsa) headera.update(card_filter(difference, exclude={'HISTORY', 'COMMENT', ''})) # Check the HISTORY and COMMENT cards, just in case for key in ('HISTORY', 'COMMENT'): fltcardsa = card_filter(cardsa, include={key}) fltcardsb = card_filter(cardsb, include={key}) # assume we start with two headers that are mostly the same and # that will have added comments/history at the end (in headerb) for (ca, cb) in zip_longest(fltcardsa, fltcardsb): if ca is None: headera.update((cb,)) return headera
[docs] def fits_ext_comp_key(ext): """Returns a pair (int, str) that will be used to sort extensions.""" if isinstance(ext, PrimaryHDU): # This will guarantee that the primary HDU goes first ret = (-1, "") else: # When two extensions share version number, we'll use their names # to sort them out. Choose a suitable key so that: # # - SCI extensions come first # - unnamed extensions come last # # We'll resort to add 'z' in front of the usual name to force # SCI to be the "smallest" name = if name == '': name = "zzzz" elif name != DEFAULT_EXTENSION: name = "z" + name ver = ext.header.get('EXTVER') if ver in (-1, None): # In practice, this number should be larger than any EXTVER found # in real life HDUs, pushing unnumbered HDUs to the end. ver = 2**32-1 # For the general case, just return version and name, to let them # be sorted naturally ret = (ver, name) return ret
[docs] class FitsLazyLoadable: def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj self.lazy = True def _create_result(self, shape): return np.empty(shape, dtype=self.dtype) def _scale(self, data): bscale = self._obj._orig_bscale bzero = self._obj._orig_bzero if bscale == 1 and bzero == 0: return data return (bscale * data + bzero).astype(self.dtype) def __getitem__(self, sl): # TODO: We may want (read: should) create an empty result array before scaling return self._scale(self._obj.section[sl]) @property def header(self): return self._obj.header @property def data(self): res = self._create_result(self.shape) res[:] = self._scale( return res @property def shape(self): return self._obj.shape @property def dtype(self): """ Need to to some overriding of since it doesn't know about BITPIX=8 """ bitpix = self._obj._orig_bitpix if self._obj._orig_bscale == 1 and self._obj._orig_bzero == 0: dtype = fits.BITPIX2DTYPE[bitpix] else: # this method from astropy will return the dtype if the data # needs to be converted to unsigned int or scaled to float dtype = self._obj._dtype_for_bitpix() if dtype is None: if bitpix < 0: dtype = np.dtype('float{}'.format(abs(bitpix))) if (self._obj.header['EXTNAME'] == 'DQ' or self._obj._uint and self._obj._orig_bscale == 1 and bitpix == 8): dtype = np.uint16 return dtype
def _prepare_hdulist(hdulist, default_extension='SCI', extname_parser=None): new_list = [] highest_ver = 0 recognized = set() if len(hdulist) > 1 or (len(hdulist) == 1 and hdulist[0].data is None): # MEF file # First get HDUs for which EXTVER is defined for n, hdu in enumerate(hdulist): if extname_parser: extname_parser(hdu) ver = hdu.header.get('EXTVER') if ver not in (-1, None) and highest_ver = max(highest_ver, ver) elif not isinstance(hdu, PrimaryHDU): continue new_list.append(hdu) recognized.add(hdu) # Then HDUs that miss EXTVER for hdu in hdulist: if hdu in recognized: continue elif isinstance(hdu, ImageHDU): highest_ver += 1 if 'EXTNAME' not in hdu.header: hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = (default_extension, 'Added by AstroData') if hdu.header.get('EXTVER') in (-1, None): hdu.header['EXTVER'] = (highest_ver, 'Added by AstroData') new_list.append(hdu) recognized.add(hdu) else: # Uh-oh, a single image FITS file new_list.append(PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header)) image = ImageHDU(header=hdulist[0].header, data=hdulist[0].data) # Fudge due to apparent issues with assigning ImageHDU from data image._orig_bscale = hdulist[0]._orig_bscale image._orig_bzero = hdulist[0]._orig_bzero for keyw in ('SIMPLE', 'EXTEND'): if keyw in image.header: del image.header[keyw] image.header['EXTNAME'] = (default_extension, 'Added by AstroData') image.header['EXTVER'] = (1, 'Added by AstroData') new_list.append(image) return HDUList(sorted(new_list, key=fits_ext_comp_key))
[docs] def read_fits(cls, source, extname_parser=None): """ Takes either a string (with the path to a file) or an HDUList as input, and tries to return a populated AstroData (or descendant) instance. It will raise exceptions if the file is not found, or if there is no match for the HDUList, among the registered AstroData classes. """ ad = cls() if isinstance(source, (str, os.PathLike)): hdulist =, memmap=True, do_not_scale_image_data=True, mode='readonly') ad.path = source else: hdulist = source try: ad.path = source[0].header.get('ORIGNAME') except AttributeError: ad.path = None _file = hdulist._file hdulist = _prepare_hdulist(hdulist, default_extension=DEFAULT_EXTENSION, extname_parser=extname_parser) if _file is not None: hdulist._file = _file # Initialize the object containers to a bare minimum if 'ORIGNAME' not in hdulist[0].header and ad.orig_filename is not None: hdulist[0].header.set('ORIGNAME', ad.orig_filename, 'Original filename prior to processing') ad.phu = hdulist[0].header seen = {hdulist[0]} skip_names = {DEFAULT_EXTENSION, 'REFCAT', 'MDF'} def associated_extensions(ver): for hdu in hdulist: if hdu.header.get('EXTVER') == ver and not in skip_names: yield hdu # Only SCI HDUs sci_units = [hdu for hdu in hdulist[1:] if == DEFAULT_EXTENSION] seen_vers = [] for idx, hdu in enumerate(sci_units): seen.add(hdu) ver = hdu.header.get('EXTVER', -1) if ver > -1 and seen_vers.count(ver) == 1: LOGGER.warning(f"Multiple SCI extension with EXTVER {ver}") seen_vers.append(ver) parts = { 'data': hdu, 'uncertainty': None, 'mask': None, 'wcs': None, 'other': [], } # For each SCI HDU find if it has an associated variance, mask, wcs for extra_unit in associated_extensions(ver): seen.add(extra_unit) name = if name == 'DQ': parts['mask'] = extra_unit elif name == 'VAR': parts['uncertainty'] = extra_unit elif name == 'WCS': parts['wcs'] = extra_unit else: parts['other'].append(extra_unit) header = parts['data'].header lazy = hdulist._file is not None and hdulist._file.memmap for part_name in ('data', 'mask', 'uncertainty'): if parts[part_name] is not None: if lazy: # Use FitsLazyLoadable to delay loading of the data parts[part_name] = FitsLazyLoadable(parts[part_name]) else: # Otherwise use the data array #parts[part_name] = parts[part_name].data # TODO: we open the file with do_not_scale_data=True, so # the data array does not have the correct data values. # AstroData handles scaling internally, and we can ensure # it does that by making the data a FitsLazyLoadable; the # side-effect of this is that the is_lazy() function will # return True, but this has minimal knock-on effects. # Hopefully astropy will handle this better in future. if hdulist._file is not None: # probably compressed parts[part_name] = FitsLazyLoadable(parts[part_name]) else: # for astrodata.create() files parts[part_name] = parts[part_name].data # handle the variance if not lazy if (parts['uncertainty'] is not None and not isinstance(parts['uncertainty'], FitsLazyLoadable)): parts['uncertainty'] = ADVarianceUncertainty(parts['uncertainty']) # Create the NDData object nd = NDDataObject( data=parts['data'], uncertainty=parts['uncertainty'], mask=parts['mask'], meta={'header': header}, ) ad.append(nd, name=DEFAULT_EXTENSION) # This is used in the writer to keep track of the extensions that # were read from the current object. nd.meta['parent_ad'] = id(ad) for other in parts['other']: if not warnings.warn(f"Skip HDU {other} because it has no EXTNAME") else: setattr(ad[-1],, other) if parts['wcs'] is not None: # Load the gWCS object from the ASDF extension nd.wcs = asdftablehdu_to_wcs(parts['wcs']) if nd.wcs is None: # Fallback to the data header nd.wcs = fitswcs_to_gwcs(nd) if nd.wcs is None: # In case WCS info is in the PHU nd.wcs = fitswcs_to_gwcs(hdulist[0].header) for other in hdulist: if other in seen: continue name = other.header.get('EXTNAME') try: ad.append(other, name=name) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(f"Discarding {name} :\n {e}") return ad
[docs] def ad_to_hdulist(ad): """Creates an HDUList from an AstroData object.""" hdul = HDUList() hdul.append(PrimaryHDU(header=ad.phu, data=DELAYED)) # Find the maximum EXTVER for extensions that belonged with this # object if it was read from a FITS file maxver = max((nd.meta['header'].get('EXTVER', 0) for nd in ad._nddata if nd.meta.get('parent_ad') == id(ad)), default=0) for ext in ad._nddata: header = ext.meta['header'].copy() if not isinstance(header, fits.Header): header = fits.Header(header) if ext.meta.get('parent_ad') == id(ad): # If the extension belonged with this object, use its # original EXTVER ver = header['EXTVER'] else: # Otherwise renumber the extension ver = header['EXTVER'] = maxver + 1 maxver += 1 wcs = ext.wcs if isinstance(wcs, gWCS): # We don't have access to the AD tags so see if it's an image # Catch ValueError as any sort of failure try: wcs_dict = gwcs_to_fits(ext, ad.phu) except (ValueError, NotImplementedError) as e: LOGGER.warning(e) else: # Must delete keywords if image WCS has been downscaled # from a higher number of dimensions for i in range(1, 5): for kw in (f'CDELT{i}', f'CRVAL{i}', f'CUNIT{i}', f'CTYPE{i}', f'NAXIS{i}'): if kw in header: del header[kw] for j in range(1, 5): for kw in (f'CD{i}_{j}', f'PC{i}_{j}', f'CRPIX{j}'): if kw in header: del header[kw] # Delete this if it's left over from a previous save if 'FITS-WCS' in header: del header['FITS-WCS'] try: extensions = wcs_dict.pop('extensions') except KeyError: pass else: for k, v in extensions.items(): ext.meta['other'][k] = v header.update(wcs_dict) # Use "in" here as the dict entry may be (value, comment) if 'APPROXIMATE' not in wcs_dict.get('FITS-WCS', ''): wcs = None # There's no need to create a WCS extension hdul.append(new_imagehdu(, header, 'SCI')) if ext.uncertainty is not None: hdul.append(new_imagehdu(ext.uncertainty.array, header, 'VAR')) if ext.mask is not None: hdul.append(new_imagehdu(ext.mask, header, 'DQ')) if isinstance(wcs, gWCS): hdul.append(wcs_to_asdftablehdu(ext.wcs, extver=ver)) for name, other in ext.meta.get('other', {}).items(): if isinstance(other, Table): hdu = table_to_bintablehdu(other, extname=name) elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): hdu = new_imagehdu(other, header, name=name) elif isinstance(other, NDDataObject): hdu = new_imagehdu(, ext.meta['header']) else: raise ValueError("I don't know how to write back an object " f"of type {type(other)}") hdu.ver = ver hdul.append(hdu) if ad._tables is not None: for name, table in sorted(ad._tables.items()): hdul.append(table_to_bintablehdu(table, extname=name)) # Additional FITS compatibility, add to PHU hdul[0].header['NEXTEND'] = len(hdul) - 1 return hdul
[docs] def write_fits(ad, filename, overwrite=False): """Writes the AstroData object to a FITS file.""" hdul = ad_to_hdulist(ad) hdul.writeto(filename, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def windowedOp(func, sequence, kernel, shape=None, dtype=None, with_uncertainty=False, with_mask=False, **kwargs): """Apply function on a NDData obbjects, splitting the data in chunks to limit memory usage. Parameters ---------- func : callable The function to apply. sequence : list of NDData List of NDData objects. kernel : tuple of int Shape of the blocks. shape : tuple of int Shape of inputs. Defaults to ``sequence[0].shape``. dtype : str or dtype Type of the output array. Defaults to ``sequence[0].dtype``. with_uncertainty : bool Compute uncertainty? with_mask : bool Compute mask? **kwargs Additional args are passed to ``func``. """ def generate_boxes(shape, kernel): if len(shape) != len(kernel): raise AssertionError("Incompatible shape ({}) and kernel ({})" .format(shape, kernel)) ticks = [[(x, x+step) for x in range(0, axis, step)] for axis, step in zip(shape, kernel)] return list(cart_product(*ticks)) if shape is None: if len({x.shape for x in sequence}) > 1: raise ValueError("Can't calculate final shape: sequence elements " "disagree on shape, and none was provided") shape = sequence[0].shape if dtype is None: dtype = sequence[0].window[:1, :1].data.dtype result = NDDataObject( np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype), variance=np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) if with_uncertainty else None, mask=np.empty(shape, dtype=np.uint16) if with_mask else None, meta=sequence[0].meta, wcs=sequence[0].wcs, ) # Delete other extensions because we don't know what to do with them result.meta['other'] = OrderedDict() # The Astropy logger's "INFO" messages aren't warnings, so have to fudge log_level = astropy.logger.conf.log_level astropy.log.setLevel(astropy.logger.WARNING) boxes = generate_boxes(shape, kernel) try: for coords in boxes: section = tuple([slice(start, end) for (start, end) in coords]) out = func([element.window[section] for element in sequence], **kwargs) result.set_section(section, out) # propagate additional attributes if out.meta.get('other'): for k, v in out.meta['other'].items(): if len(boxes) > 1: result.meta['other'][k, coords] = v else: result.meta['other'][k] = v gc.collect() finally: astropy.log.setLevel(log_level) # and reset # Now if the input arrays where splitted in chunks, we need to gather # the data arrays for the additional attributes. other = result.meta['other'] if other: if len(boxes) > 1: for (name, coords), obj in list(other.items()): if not isinstance(obj, NDData): raise ValueError('only NDData objects are handled here') if name not in other: other[name] = NDDataObject(np.empty(shape, section = tuple([slice(start, end) for (start, end) in coords]) other[name].set_section(section, obj) del other[name, coords] for name in other: # To set the name of our object we need to save it as an ndarray, # otherwise for a NDData one AstroData would use the name of the # AstroData object. other[name] = other[name].data return result
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gWCS <-> FITS WCS helper functions go here # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Could parametrize some naming conventions in the following two functions if # done elsewhere for hard-coded names like 'SCI' in future, but they only have # to be self-consistent with one another anyway.
[docs] def wcs_to_asdftablehdu(wcs, extver=None): """ Serialize a gWCS object as a FITS TableHDU (ASCII) extension. The ASCII table is actually a mini ASDF file. The constituent AstroPy models must have associated ASDF "tags" that specify how to serialize them. In the event that serialization as pure ASCII fails (this should not happen), a binary table representation will be used as a fallback. """ # Create a small ASDF file in memory containing the WCS object # representation because there's no public API for generating only the # relevant YAML subsection and an ASDF file handles the "tags" properly. try: af = asdf.AsdfFile({"wcs": wcs}) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: # (The original traceback also gets printed here) raise TypeError("Cannot serialize model(s) for 'WCS' extension {}" .format(extver or '')) # ASDF can only dump YAML to a binary file object, so do that and read # the contents back from it for storage in a FITS extension: with BytesIO() as fd: with af: # Generate the YAML, dumping any binary arrays as text: af.write_to(fd, all_array_storage='inline') wcsbuf = # Convert the bytes to readable lines of text for storage (falling back to # saving as binary in the unexpected event that this is not possible): try: wcsbuf = wcsbuf.decode('ascii').splitlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: # This should not happen, but if the ASDF contains binary data in # spite of the 'inline' option above, we have to dump the bytes to # a non-human-readable binary table rather than an ASCII one: LOGGER.warning("Could not convert WCS {} ASDF to ASCII; saving table " "as binary".format(extver or '')) hduclass = BinTableHDU fmt = 'B' wcsbuf = np.frombuffer(wcsbuf, dtype=np.uint8) else: hduclass = TableHDU fmt = 'A{}'.format(max(len(line) for line in wcsbuf)) # Construct the FITS table extension: col = Column(name='gWCS', format=fmt, array=wcsbuf, ascii=hduclass is TableHDU) return hduclass.from_columns([col], name='WCS', ver=extver)
[docs] def asdftablehdu_to_wcs(hdu): """ Recreate a gWCS object from its serialization in a FITS table extension. Returns None (issuing a warning) if the extension cannot be parsed, so the rest of the file can still be read. """ ver = hdu.header.get('EXTVER', -1) if isinstance(hdu, (TableHDU, BinTableHDU)): try: colarr =['gWCS'] except KeyError: LOGGER.warning("Ignoring 'WCS' extension {} with no 'gWCS' table " "column".format(ver)) return # If this table column contains text strings as expected, join the rows # as separate lines of a string buffer and encode the resulting YAML as # bytes that ASDF can parse. If AstroData has produced another format, # it will be a binary dump due to the unexpected presence of non-ASCII # data, in which case we just extract unmodified bytes from the table. if colarr.dtype.kind in ('U', 'S'): sep = os.linesep # Just in case io.fits ever produces 'S' on Py 3 (not the default): # join lines as str & avoid a TypeError with unicode linesep; could # also use astype('U') but it assumes an encoding implicitly. if colarr.dtype.kind == 'S' and not isinstance(sep, bytes): colarr = np.char.decode(np.char.rstrip(colarr), encoding='ascii') wcsbuf = sep.join(colarr).encode('ascii') else: wcsbuf = colarr.tobytes() # Convert the stored text to a Bytes file object that ASDF can open: with BytesIO(wcsbuf) as fd: # Try to extract a 'wcs' entry from the YAML: try: af = except Exception: LOGGER.warning("Ignoring 'WCS' extension {}: failed to parse " "ASDF.\nError was as follows:\n{}" .format(ver, traceback.format_exc())) return else: with af: try: wcs = af.tree['wcs'] except KeyError: LOGGER.warning("Ignoring 'WCS' extension {}: missing " "'wcs' dict entry.".format(ver)) return else: LOGGER.warning("Ignoring non-FITS-table 'WCS' extension {}" .format(ver)) return return wcs