Source code for astrodata.utils

import inspect
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import wraps
from traceback import format_stack

import numpy as np

INTEGER_TYPES = (int, np.integer)

__all__ = ('assign_only_single_slice', 'astro_data_descriptor',
           'AstroDataDeprecationWarning', 'astro_data_tag', 'deprecated',
           'normalize_indices', 'returns_list', 'TagSet', 'Section')

[docs] class AstroDataDeprecationWarning(DeprecationWarning): pass
warnings.simplefilter("always", AstroDataDeprecationWarning)
[docs] def deprecated(reason): def decorator_wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kw): current_source = '|'.join(format_stack(inspect.currentframe())) if current_source not in wrapper.seen: wrapper.seen.add(current_source) warnings.warn(reason, AstroDataDeprecationWarning) return fn(*args, **kw) wrapper.seen = set() return wrapper return decorator_wrapper
[docs] def normalize_indices(slc, nitems): multiple = True if isinstance(slc, slice): start, stop, step = slc.indices(nitems) indices = list(range(start, stop, step)) elif (isinstance(slc, INTEGER_TYPES) or (isinstance(slc, tuple) and all(isinstance(i, INTEGER_TYPES) for i in slc))): if isinstance(slc, INTEGER_TYPES): slc = (int(slc),) # slc's type m multiple = False else: multiple = True # Normalize negative indices... indices = [(x if x >= 0 else nitems + x) for x in slc] else: raise ValueError("Invalid index: {}".format(slc)) if any(i >= nitems for i in indices): raise IndexError("Index out of range") return indices, multiple
[docs] class TagSet(namedtuple('TagSet', 'add remove blocked_by blocks if_present')): """ Named tuple that is used by tag methods to return which actions should be performed on a tag set. All the attributes are optional, and any combination of them can be used, allowing to create complex tag structures. Read the documentation on the tag-generating algorithm if you want to better understand the interactions. The simplest TagSet, though, tends to just add tags to the global set. It can be initialized by position, like any other tuple (the order of the arguments is the one in which the attributes are listed below). It can also be initialized by name. Attributes ---------- add : set of str, optional Tags to be added to the global set remove : set of str, optional Tags to be removed from the global set blocked_by : set of str, optional Tags that will prevent this TagSet from being applied blocks : set of str, optional Other TagSets containing these won't be applied if_present : set of str, optional This TagSet will be applied only *all* of these tags are present Examples --------- >>> TagSet() TagSet(add=set(), remove=set(), blocked_by=set(), blocks=set(), if_present=set()) >>> TagSet({'BIAS', 'CAL'}) TagSet(add={'BIAS', 'CAL'}, remove=set(), blocked_by=set(), blocks=set(), if_present=set()) >>> TagSet(remove={'BIAS', 'CAL'}) TagSet(add=set(), remove={'BIAS', 'CAL'}, blocked_by=set(), blocks=set(), if_present=set()) """ def __new__(cls, add=None, remove=None, blocked_by=None, blocks=None, if_present=None): return super().__new__(cls, add or set(), remove or set(), blocked_by or set(), blocks or set(), if_present or set())
[docs] def astro_data_descriptor(fn): """ Decorator that will mark a class method as an AstroData descriptor. Useful to produce list of descriptors, for example. If used in combination with other decorators, this one *must* be the one on the top (ie. the last one applying). It doesn't modify the method in any other way. Args ----- fn : method The method to be decorated Returns -------- The tagged method (not a wrapper) """ fn.descriptor_method = True return fn
[docs] def returns_list(fn): """ Decorator to ensure that descriptors that should return a list (of one value per extension) only returns single values when operating on single slices; and vice versa. This is a common case, and you can use the decorator to simplify the logic of your descriptors. Args ----- fn : method The method to be decorated Returns -------- A function """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = fn(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.is_single: if isinstance(ret, list): # TODO: log a warning if the list is >1 element if len(ret) > 1: pass return ret[0] else: return ret else: if isinstance(ret, list): if len(ret) == len(self): return ret else: raise IndexError( "Incompatible numbers of extensions and elements in {}" .format(fn.__name__)) else: return [ret] * len(self) return wrapper
[docs] def assign_only_single_slice(fn): """Raise `ValueError` if assigning to a non-single slice.""" @wraps(fn) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.is_single: raise ValueError("Trying to assign to an AstroData object that " "is not a single slice") return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] def astro_data_tag(fn): """ Decorator that marks methods of an `AstroData` derived class as part of the tag-producing system. It wraps the method around a function that will ensure a consistent return value: the wrapped method can return any sequence of sequences of strings, and they will be converted to a TagSet. If the wrapped method returns None, it will be turned into an empty TagSet. Args ----- fn : method The method to be decorated Returns -------- A wrapper function """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(self): try: ret = fn(self) if ret is not None: if not isinstance(ret, TagSet): raise TypeError("Tag function {} didn't return a TagSet" .format(fn.__name__)) return TagSet(*tuple(set(s) for s in ret)) except KeyError: pass # Return empty TagSet for the "doesn't apply" case return TagSet() wrapper.tag_method = True return wrapper
[docs] class Section(tuple): """A class to handle n-dimensional sections""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure that the order of keys is what we want axis_names = [x for axis in "xyzuvw" for x in (f"{axis}1", f"{axis}2")] _dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(axis_names, args + ('',) * len(kwargs))} _dict.update(kwargs) if list(_dict.values()).count('') or (len(_dict) % 2): raise ValueError("Cannot initialize 'Section' object") instance = tuple.__new__(cls, tuple(_dict.values())) instance._axis_names = tuple(_dict.keys()) if not all(np.diff(instance)[::2] > 0): raise ValueError("Not all 'Section' end coordinates exceed the " "start coordinates") return instance @property def __dict__(self): return dict(zip(self._axis_names, self)) def __getnewargs__(self): return tuple(self) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self._axis_names: return self.__dict__[attr] raise AttributeError(f"No such attribute '{attr}'") def __repr__(self): return ("Section(" + ", ".join([f"{k}={self.__dict__[k]}" for k in self._axis_names]) + ")") @property def ndim(self): return len(self) // 2
[docs] @staticmethod def from_shape(value): """produce a Section object defining a given shape""" return Section(*[y for x in reversed(value) for y in (0, x)])
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(value): """The inverse of __str__, produce a Section object from a string""" # if we were sent None, return None if value is None: return None return Section(*[y for x in value.strip("[]").split(",") for start, end in [x.split(":")] for y in (None if start == '' else int(start)-1, None if end == '' else int(end))])
[docs] def asIRAFsection(self): """Produce string of style '[x1:x2,y1:y2]' that is 1-indexed and end-inclusive""" return ("[" + ",".join([":".join([str(self.__dict__[axis]+1), str(self.__dict__[axis.replace("1", "2")])]) for axis in self._axis_names[::2]]) + "]")
[docs] def asslice(self, add_dims=0): """Return the Section object as a slice/list of slices. Higher dimensionality can be achieved with the add_dims parameter.""" return ((slice(None),) * add_dims + tuple(slice(self.__dict__[axis], self.__dict__[axis.replace("1", "2")]) for axis in reversed(self._axis_names[::2])))
[docs] def contains(self, section): """Return True if the supplied section is entirely within self""" if self.ndim != section.ndim: raise ValueError("Sections have different dimensionality") return (all(s2 >= s1 for s1, s2 in zip(self[::2], section[::2])) and all(s2 <= s1 for s1, s2 in zip(self[1::2], section[1::2])))
[docs] def is_same_size(self, section): """Return True if the Sections are the same size""" return np.array_equal(np.diff(self)[::2], np.diff(section)[::2])
[docs] def overlap(self, section): """Determine whether the two sections overlap. If so, the Section common to both is returned, otherwise None""" if self.ndim != section.ndim: raise ValueError("Sections have different dimensionality") mins = [max(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in zip(self[::2], section[::2])] maxs = [min(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in zip(self[1::2], section[1::2])] try: return self.__class__(*[v for pair in zip(mins, maxs) for v in pair]) except ValueError: return
[docs] def shift(self, *shifts): """Shift a section in each direction by the specified amount""" if len(shifts) != self.ndim: raise ValueError(f"Number of shifts {len(shifts)} incompatible " f"with dimensionality {self.ndim}") return self.__class__(*[x + s for x, s in zip(self, [ss for s in shifts for ss in [s] * 2])])