Source code for gemini_instruments.gnirs.adclass

import math
import re

from astrodata import astro_data_tag, astro_data_descriptor, TagSet, returns_list

from ..gemini import AstroDataGemini, use_keyword_if_prepared
from ..common import build_group_id

from .lookup import detector_properties, nominal_zeropoints, read_modes
from .lookup import pixel_scale_shrt, pixel_scale_long, dispersion_by_config

# NOTE: Temporary functions for test. gempy imports astrodata and
#       won't work with this implementation
from .. import gmu

[docs] class AstroDataGnirs(AstroDataGemini): __keyword_dict = dict(central_wavelength='GRATWAVE', array_name='ARRAYID', grating_order='GRATORD') @staticmethod def _matches_data(source): return source[0].header.get('INSTRUME', '').upper() == 'GNIRS' @astro_data_tag def _tag_instrument(self): return TagSet(['GNIRS']) @astro_data_tag def _type_dark(self): if self.phu.get('OBSTYPE') == 'DARK': return TagSet(['DARK', 'CAL'], blocks=['IMAGE', 'SPECT']) @astro_data_tag def _type_arc(self): if self.phu.get('OBSTYPE') == 'ARC': return TagSet(['ARC', 'CAL']) @astro_data_tag def _type_image(self): if self.phu.get('ACQMIR') == 'In': return TagSet(['IMAGE']) @astro_data_tag def _type_thruslit(self): if 'Acq' not in self.phu.get('SLIT', ''): return TagSet(['THRUSLIT'], if_present=['IMAGE']) @astro_data_tag def _type_spect(self): if self.phu.get('ACQMIR') == 'Out': tags = {'SPECT'} slit = self.phu.get('SLIT', '').lower() grat = self.phu.get('GRATING', '') prism = self.phu.get('PRISM', '') if 'ifu' in slit: tags.add('IFU') elif ('arcsec' in slit or 'pin' in slit) and 'mm' in grat: if 'MIR' in prism: tags.add('LS') elif 'XD' in prism: tags.add('XD') return TagSet(tags) @astro_data_tag def _type_flats(self): if self.phu.get('OBSTYPE') == 'FLAT': if 'Pinholes' in self.phu.get('SLIT', ''): return TagSet(['PINHOLE', 'CAL'], remove=['GCALFLAT'], blocks=['FLAT']) return TagSet(['FLAT', 'CAL'])
[docs] @returns_list @astro_data_descriptor def array_name(self): """ Returns the name of each array Returns ------- list of str/str the array names """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('array_name'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def dispersion(self, asMicrometers=False, asNanometers=False, asAngstroms=False): """ Returns the dispersion in meters per pixel as a list (one value per extension) or a float if used on a single-extension slice. It is possible to control the units of wavelength using the input arguments. Parameters ---------- asMicrometers : bool If True, return the wavelength in microns asNanometers : bool If True, return the wavelength in nanometers asAngstroms : bool If True, return the wavelength in Angstroms Returns ------- list/float The dispersion(s) """ grating = self._grating(pretty=True, stripID=True) if self.pixel_scale() == pixel_scale_shrt: camera = "Short" elif self.pixel_scale() == pixel_scale_long: camera = "Long" else: camera = None filter = str(self.filter_name(pretty=True))[0] config = f"{grating}, {camera}" dispersion = dispersion_by_config.get(config, {}).get(filter) if dispersion is None: return None unit_arg_list = [asMicrometers, asNanometers, asAngstroms] output_units = "meters" # By default if unit_arg_list.count(True) == 1: # Just one of the unit arguments was set to True. Return the # central wavelength in these units if asMicrometers: output_units = "micrometers" if asNanometers: output_units = "nanometers" if asAngstroms: output_units = "angstroms" if dispersion is not None: dispersion = gmu.convert_units('angstroms', dispersion, output_units) if not self.is_single: dispersion = [dispersion] * len(self) return dispersion
[docs] @returns_list @astro_data_descriptor def dispersion_axis(self): # TODO: Document and make sure the axis is the proper one return 2
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def array_section(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the section covered by the array(s) relative to the detector frame. For example, this can be the position of multiple amps read within a CCD. If pretty is False, a tuple of 0-based coordinates is returned with format (x1, x2, y1, y2). If pretty is True, a keyword value is returned without parsing as a string. In this format, the coordinates are generally 1-based. One tuple or string is return per extension/array, in a list. If the method is called on a single slice, the section is returned as a tuple or a string. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool If True, return the formatted string found in the header. Returns ------- tuple of integers or list of tuples Position of extension(s) using Python slice values string or list of strings Position of extension(s) using an IRAF section format (1-based) """ return self._parse_section('FULLFRAME', pretty)
[docs] @returns_list @astro_data_descriptor def data_section(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the rectangular section that includes the pixels that would be exposed to light. If pretty is False, a tuple of 0-based coordinates is returned with format (x1, x2, y1, y2). If pretty is True, a keyword value is returned without parsing as a string. In this format, the coordinates are generally 1-based. One tuple or string is return per extension/array, in a list. If the method is called on a single slice, the section is returned as a tuple or a string. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool If True, return the formatted string found in the header. Returns ------- tuple of integers or list of tuples Location of the pixels exposed to light using Python slice values. string or list of strings Location of the pixels exposed to light using an IRAF section format (1-based). """ return self._parse_section('FULLFRAME', pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_section(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the section covered by the detector relative to the whole mosaic of detectors. If pretty is False, a tuple of 0-based coordinates is returned with format (x1, x2, y1, y2). If pretty is True, a keyword value is returned without parsing as a string. In this format, the coordinates are generally 1-based. One tuple or string is return per extension/array, in a list. If the method is called on a single slice, the section is returned as a tuple or a string. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool If True, return the formatted string found in the header. Returns ------- tuple of integers or list of tuples Position of the detector using Python slice values. string or list of strings Position of the detector using an IRAF section format (1-based). """ return self.array_section(pretty=pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_x_offset(self): """ Returns the offset from the reference position in pixels along the positive x-direction of the detector Returns ------- float The offset in pixels """ try: offset = self.phu.get('QOFFSET') / self.pixel_scale() except TypeError: # either is None return None # Flipped if on bottom port unless AO is operating return -offset if (self.phu.get('INPORT') == 1 and not self.is_ao()) else offset
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_y_offset(self): """ Returns the offset from the reference position in pixels along the positive y-direction of the detector Returns ------- float The offset in pixels """ try: return -self.phu.get('POFFSET') / self.pixel_scale() except TypeError: # either is None return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def disperser(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the disperser group as the name of the grating and of the prims joined with '&', unless the acquisition mirror is in the beam, then returns the string "MIRROR". The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the disperser. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The disperser group, as grism&prism, with or without the component ID. """ if self.phu.get('ACQMIR') == 'In': return 'MIRROR' grating = self._grating(stripID=stripID, pretty=pretty) prism = self._prism(stripID=stripID, pretty=pretty) if prism is None or grating is None: return None if prism.startswith('MIR'): return grating return "{}&{}".format(grating, prism)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def focal_plane_mask(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the focal plane mask group as the slit and the decker joined with '&', or as a shorter (pretty) version. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the focal plane mask. pretty : bool If True, removes the component IDs and returns a short string representing broadly the setting. Returns ------- str The name of the focal plane mask with or without the component ID. """ try: slit = self.slit(stripID=stripID, pretty=pretty).replace('Acquisition', 'Acq') decker = self.decker(stripID=stripID, pretty=pretty).replace('Acquisition', 'Acq') except AttributeError: # either slit or decker is None return None # Default fpm value fpm = "{}&{}".format(slit, decker) if pretty: if "Long" in decker: fpm = slit elif "XD" in decker: fpm = "{}XD".format(slit) elif "HR-IFU" in slit and "HR-IFU" in decker: fpm = "HR-IFU" elif "LR-IFU" in slit and "LR-IFU" in decker: fpm = "LR-IFU" elif "IFU" in slit and "IFU" in decker: fpm = "IFU" elif "Acq" in slit and "Acq" in decker: fpm = "Acq" return fpm
@returns_list @use_keyword_if_prepared @astro_data_descriptor def gain(self): """ Returns the gain used for the observation. This is read from a lookup table using the read_mode and the well_depth. Returns ------- float Gain used for the observation. """ read_mode = self.read_mode() well_depth = self.well_depth_setting() return getattr(detector_properties.get((read_mode, well_depth)), 'gain', None)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def group_id(self): """ Returns a string representing a group of data that are compatible with each other. This is used when stacking, for example. Each instrument, mode of observation, and data type will have its own rules. Returns ------- str A group ID for compatible data. """ tags = self.tags if 'DARK' in tags: desc_list = ['read_mode', 'exposure_time', 'coadds'] else: # The descriptor list is the same for flats and science frames desc_list = ['observation_id', 'filter_name', 'camera', 'read_mode'] desc_list.extend(['well_depth_setting', 'detector_section', 'disperser', 'focal_plane_mask']) if 'IMAGE' in tags and 'FLAT' in tags: additional_item = 'GNIRS_IMAGE_FLAT' else: additional_item = None return build_group_id(self, desc_list, prettify=('filter_name', 'disperser', 'focal_plane_mask'), additional=additional_item)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def nominal_photometric_zeropoint(self): """ Returns the nominal photometric zeropoint for the observation. This value is obtained from a lookup table based on gain, the camera used, and the filter used. Returns ------- float The nominal photometric zeropoint as a magnitude. """ gain = self.gain() camera = filter_name = self.filter_name(pretty=True) in_adu = self.is_in_adu() zpt = nominal_zeropoints.get((camera, filter_name)) # Zeropoints in table are for electrons, so subtract 2.5*log10(gain) # if the data are in ADU if self.is_single: try: return zpt - (2.5 * math.log10(gain) if in_adu else 0) except TypeError: return None else: return [zpt - (2.5 * math.log10(g) if in_adu else 0) if zpt and g else None for g in gain]
@use_keyword_if_prepared @astro_data_descriptor def non_linear_level(self): """ Returns the level at which the array becomes non-linear, in the same units as of the data. A lookup table is used and the value is based on read_mode, well_depth_setting, and saturation_level. Returns ------- int/list Level at which the non-linear regime starts. """ read_mode = self.read_mode() well_depth = self.well_depth_setting() limit = getattr(detector_properties.get((read_mode, well_depth)), 'linearlimit', None) sat_level = self.saturation_level() if self.is_single: try: return int(limit * sat_level) except TypeError: return None else: return [int(limit * s) if limit and s else None for s in sat_level]
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def pixel_scale(self): """ Returns the pixel scale in arc seconds. GNIRS pixel scale is determined soley by the camera used, long or short, regardless of color band (red|blue). GNIRS instrument page, Short camera (0.15"/pix) -- lookup.pixel_scale_shrt Long camera (0.05"/pix) -- lookup.pixel_scale_long Returns ------- <float>, Pixel scale in arcsec Raises ------ ValueError If 'camera' is neither short nor long, it is unrecognized. """ try: camera = except AttributeError: return None if 'short' in camera: return pixel_scale_shrt elif 'long' in camera: return pixel_scale_long else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized GNIRS camera, {}".format(camera))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def position_angle(self): """ Returns the position angle of the instruement Returns ------- float the position angle (East of North) of the +ve y-direction """ return (self.phu[self._keyword_for('position_angle')] + 90) % 360
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def ra(self): """ Returns the Right Ascension of the center of the field in degrees. Uses the RA derived from the WCS, unless it is wildly different from the target RA stored in the headers (with telescope offset and in ICRS). When that's the case the target RA is used. Returns ------- float Right Ascension of the target in degrees. """ # In general, the GNIRS WCS is the way to go. But sometimes the DC # has a bit of a senior moment and the WCS is miles off (presumably # still has values from the previous observation or something. # Who knows. So we do a sanity check on it and use the target values # if it's messed up wcs_ra = self.wcs_ra() if wcs_ra is None: return self._ra() try: tgt_ra = self.target_ra(offset=True, icrs=True) except: # Return WCS value if we can't get our sanity check return wcs_ra delta = abs(wcs_ra - tgt_ra) # wraparound? if delta > 180: delta = abs(delta - 360) delta = delta * 3600 # to arcsecs # And account for cos(dec) factor delta /= math.cos(math.radians(self.dec())) # If more than 1000" arcsec different, WCS is probably bad return (tgt_ra if delta > 1000 else wcs_ra)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def dec(self): """ Returns the Declination of the center of the field in degrees. Uses the Dec derived from the WCS, unless it is wildly different from the target Dec stored in the headers (with telescope offset and in ICRS). When that's the case the target Dec is used. Returns ------- float Declination of the center of the field in degrees. """ # In general, the GNIRS WCS is the way to go. But sometimes the DC # has a bit of a senior moment and the WCS is miles off (presumably # still has values from the previous observation or something. # Who knows. So we do a sanity check on it and use the target values # if it's messed up wcs_dec = self.wcs_dec() if wcs_dec is None: return self._dec() try: tgt_dec = self.target_dec(offset=True, icrs=True) except: # Return WCS value if we can't get our sanity check return wcs_dec delta = abs(wcs_dec - tgt_dec) # wraparound? if delta > 180: delta = abs(delta - 360) delta = delta * 3600 # to arcsecs # If more than 1000" arcsec different, WCS is probably bad return (tgt_dec if delta > 1000 else wcs_dec)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def read_mode(self): """ Returns the read mode for the observation. Uses a lookup table indexed on the number of non-destructive read pairs (LNRS) and the number of digital averages (NDAVGS) Returns ------- str Read mode for the observation. """ return read_modes.get((self.phu.get('LNRS'), self.phu.get('NDAVGS')), "Unknown")
@returns_list @use_keyword_if_prepared @astro_data_descriptor def read_noise(self): """ Returns the detector read noise, in electrons. A lookup table indexed on read_mode and well_depth_setting is used to retrieve the read noise. Returns ------- float Detector read noise in electrons. """ # Determine the read mode and well depth from their descriptors read_mode = self.read_mode() well_depth = self.well_depth_setting() coadds = self.coadds() read_noise = getattr(detector_properties.get((read_mode, well_depth)), 'readnoise', None) try: return read_noise * math.sqrt(coadds) except TypeError: return None @use_keyword_if_prepared @astro_data_descriptor def saturation_level(self): """ Returns the saturation level or the observation, in the units of the data. A lookup table indexed on read_mode and well_depth_setting is used to retrieve the saturation level for raw data, and it is expected that this will be inserted into the headers as processing continues. Returns ------- int/list Saturation level in the units of the data """ gain = self.gain() coadds = self.coadds() read_mode = self.read_mode() well_depth = self.well_depth_setting() well = getattr(detector_properties.get((read_mode, well_depth)), 'well', None) if self.is_single: try: return int(well * coadds / gain) except TypeError: return None else: return [int(well * coadds / g) if well and g else None for g in gain]
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def slit(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the slit mask. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the slit. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the slit with or without the component ID. """ try: slit = self.phu['SLIT'].replace(' ', '') except KeyError: return None return gmu.removeComponentID(slit) if stripID or pretty else slit
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def slit_width(self): """ Returns the width of the slit in arcseconds Returns ------- float/None the slit width in arcseconds """ fpmask = self.slit(pretty=True) if 'arcsec' in fpmask: return float(fpmask.replace('arcsec', '')) return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def well_depth_setting(self): """ Returns the well depth setting used for the observation. For GNIRS, this is either 'Shallow' or 'Deep'. Returns ------- str Well depth setting. """ try: biasvolt = self.phu['DETBIAS'] except KeyError: return None if abs(0.3 - abs(biasvolt)) < 0.1: return "Shallow" elif abs(0.6 - abs(biasvolt)) < 0.1: return "Deep" else: return "Unknown"
# -------------------------------------- # Private methods def _grating(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the grating used for the observation. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the disperser. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the grating with or without the component ID. """ grating = self.phu.get('GRATING') try: match = re.match(r"([\d/m]+)[A-Z]*(_G)(\d+)", grating) ret_grating = "{}{}{}".format(*match.groups()) except (TypeError, AttributeError): ret_grating = grating if stripID or pretty: return gmu.removeComponentID(ret_grating) return ret_grating def _prism(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the prism. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the prism. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the prism with or without the component ID. """ prism = self.phu.get('PRISM') try: match = re.match(r"(?:[A-Z0-9]*\+)?([A-Z]*_G\d+)", prism) ret_prism = except (TypeError, AttributeError): # prism=None, no match return None if stripID or pretty: ret_prism = gmu.removeComponentID(ret_prism) return ret_prism